Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Environmental and Economic Development Cultural

Question: Discuss about the Environmental and Economic Development Cultural. Answer: Introduction: Event is an occasion on particular day where several people gather in order to celebrate or to enjoy a particular important activity. There are several definitions which describe an Event. These are, a.) Thing which happens to celebrate something of importance, b.) Well-planned and organized gathering of public importance, c.) Gathering of people to enjoy a contest or sports occasion (Oxford Dictionaries, 2017). Event history can be dated back to pre-historic times. The times of Cleopatra have been described in history to conduct first of its kind of event at large scale having huge public gatherings. Meeting between Cleopatra and Marc Antony, in 41 B.C. is one of the most historical events in history of events organized and event planning(Event Planning History, 2017). Throughout the history as with evolution of humans, evolution of events was also noticed. In ancient times, there were religious celebrations in different locations all across the world. The religious events used to notice huge public gatherings and used to impact the cultural and social aspects of the regions where they were conducted. Take an example of England, where in ancient times these religious events used to be huge popular, it lead to development of craft industry and also lead to employment opportunities for actors who used to conduct religious plays during these events (Event Planning History, 2017). Events are not only restricted to any religious gatherings; they have even percolated to sports industry. Throughout the history major sports events have occurred which witnessed huge public gathering and development of region due to inflow of funds and focus on world diaspora. Many major Mega events took place in year 2016. One of biggest sporting event which happened to take place in 2016 was, Olympics. Olympicsis one of the biggest sporting gathering world over. In year 2016, it happened in Rio, Brazil, where players from more than 150 nations participated in the event. The event drew huge tourism from international destinations towards Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The event helped in development of regional, social, economic aspects of the country. Due to huge inflow of tourist from world over, huge inflow of money lead into Brazil and boosted the tourism industry of the country. Olympics had direct impact regionally, socially and economically on the country. Jubilee Year of Mercy, Rome, Italy was event which drew huge pilgrims around the world to the country. It was the moment of celebration for the pilgrims when Pope Francis, opened the doors to papal basilicas usually sealed from public. It was the event which drew enormous public gathering compared to gathering of 25 million people in 2000. Kumbh Mela, Haridwar, India was also one of the major events, religious in nature, which attracted around 100 million worshippers from across the world. Its a Hindu religious event which is celebrated every three years for three months. It has got lot of historical significance which focuses the organizers to invest hugely in preparing the region for this auspicious event (Black, A., 2016). Mega-Events have huge impact on overall transformation of city or region. These events give huge scope to the city administrators and governments to fetch huge funds from not only national governments but also from international governments and organizations. The locations where these events get organized are developed in terms of infrastructure to attract huge tourist across the world. This in other terms provides ample opportunities to unemployed youth to get employment and earn for their living. The inflow of funds from international organizations and governments helps in developing fund availability for a complete nation as a whole. The cultural diaspora gets expanded and leads to development of business from every corner. Thus, organizing an event and that too a Mega event leads to complete social, cultural and economic development. Its rightly said that Mega events do lead to urban transformation for regions where these events are organized. This not only leads to opening up of future investments but also leads to improvement of image on world level. These Events leads to development of tourism industry and businesses from every nook and corner. Quality of life of public gets improved and leads to opening of future employability thus securing the future of many lives with just one Mega Event. Mega Events, such as World Expo, Summits, Olympics, lead to huge development of strategies in order to overcome with challenges faced to make region developable and of economic significance at national level. Mega Events help in building stronger public ties, not only limited to organizations but extends to ties between governments and international committees. Recently one of the major NGOs of the world, The Art of Living Organized major cultural event at Delhi, India signifying 35 years of its service to international organizations and countries across the globe. Each and every of 150 countries took active participation in form of cultural events to signify the importance of message of One Global Family. Unity brings power and strength with it. These are the benefits which these Mega Events give to the nations where these events get organized. The example of cultural festival organized by Art of living signifies the huge upliftment of Image of the people of the region in the eyes of public world over. This, leads to complete transformation of lives of people and public in huge numbers (Shanghai Manual, 2017). Conclusion Mega Events thus is new phase of globalized world to invest and plan the strategies for social, cultural and economic upliftment of regions, cities and nations as a whole. Though environmental effects by some researches highlight the dark sides of organizing these events. However, strategies to minimize and overturn the bad environmental effects of events, Mega events, would make these occasions a complete win-win strategies towards transformation for regional and national governments. References Oxford Dictionaries. (2017). Accessed from: https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/event (Accessed on: 16.03.2017). Event Planning Background. (2017). Accessed from: https://www.vault.com/industries-professions/industries/event-planning.aspx (Accessed on: 16.03.2017). Black, A. (2016). Major events around the world in 2016: Best events for tourists. Accessed from: https://www.traveller.com.au/the-2016-hotlist-the-16-biggest-events-in-2016-gl9sf4 (Accessed on: 16.03.2017). Shanghai Manual. (2017). A Guide for Sustainable Urban Development in the 21st

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